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Languages and Language Components Developed with MontiCore

The MontiCore language workbench has been under development for a while already and of course has been used by our group to develop many languages. Not all of those languages are publicly available and some of these languages are equipped with tools based on MontiCore 5.

Many of these languages are composed of sublanguages and thus potentially build on each other. The available languages can be used as is, but also be adapted, extended and further composed.

Please also have a look at our literature references for further information on many of the languages.

Information about Languages and Language Components

  • MontiCore Handbook. The handbook describes how to use MontiCore as an out-of-the-box language workbench), but also as a grey box tooling framework. It thus also gives an overview over a number of core mechanisms of MontiCore.

  • List of MontiCore core Language Components. MontiCore concentrates on reuse. It therefore offers a set of predefined language components where the main artifact is usually a component grammar. Reusing these language components allows language developers to define their own language as a composition of reusable assets efficiently. Reusable assets describe among others several sets of literals, expressions and types, which are relatively freely composable.

  • List of languages. This is a another list of newer MontiCore languages that can be used out of the box or also composed. Many of them already are rather stable, but some of them also undergo a lively development and enhancement. These complete languages are usually composed of a number of language components.

  • MontiCore topic list Describes various research topics which MontiCore builds on or where MontiCore has been used as foundation.

Github Available Languages

Further Languages (e.g. used in scientific and industrial projects)

  • MontiArc ADL is an architectural definition language for component and connector models with enhanced connection facilities, hierarchical decomposition etc. and provides a simulator [HRR12,BHH+17,Wor16,Hab16].

  • MontiArcAutomaton ADL is an extension of the architectural definition language MontiArc using automata to describe behavior. Some applications e.g. are of robotics, production, or InternetOfThings. [BKRW17a,HKR+16,BRW16a,Wor16].

  • UML/P is a derivation from UML, especially suited for agile development. See language definition and usage method in [Rum17,Rum16,Sch12].

    • UML/P Class Diagrams for data structures
    • UML/P Object Diagrams for exemplaric situations: usable for constructive development as well as testing
    • OCL/P as Java-variant of the OCL with a nice logic, set-comprehension etc.
    • UML/P Statecharts for behavior
    • UML/P Sequence Diagrams for interaction
    • Activity Diagrams for workflows and requirements (an extension to the books)
  • Delta-MontiArc [HRRS12,HKR+11,HRRS11] is a DSL for expressing deltas on MontiArc component definitions which allows to model software product lines in a bottom up way.

  • MontiArcHV [HRR+11] allows specifying component variability fully integrated within the component hierarchy located at variation points in component definitions.

  • Java as full language as well as source for Java expressions, statements, attribute or method definitions.

  • FeatureDSL is a DSL for feature diagrams in software product line approaches.

  • DeltaCD is a DSL for expressing deltas on class diagrams which allows to model software product lines in a bottom up way

  • Aerospace Constraint Specification Language is a DSL used to specify critical situations in an airspace including airplanes, weather, flight conditions and much more. [ZPK+11]

  • clArc DSL Family: [PR13]

    • Cloud Architecture Description Language: used to model of architectures of cloud-based systems; based on MontiArc.
    • Target Description Language: used to model the infrastructure architecture of cloud-based systems.
    • Mapping Description Language: used to model deployments between software and infrastructure architectures.
    • Architecture Scenario Description Language: used to model scenario-based test cases for software architectures.
  • I/O-TestDSL
    for the definition of stream-based, input-output related black-box tests for architecture definition languages like MontiArc.

  • LightRocks, a modelling language for robotic assembly processes.

  • cdViews is a DSL used to model partial views on class diagrams

  • RBAC for Role-Based Access Control in enterprise information systems.

  • MontiWis [[RR13,Rei16]] is a family of DSLs for the model-based, generative development of web information systems among others based on class diagrams, activity diagrams and views.

  • HQL: Hibernate Query Language that maps to hibernate based executions.

  • SQL the well known DB query language; used for embedding e.g. into other languages.

  • XML the basic infrastructure for all XML dialects

  • CarOLO DSLs for autonomic driving. This among others contains a DSL for defining road scenarios with moving vehicles as well a obstacles suited for laser, lidar, radar and camera sensors. This languages are part of the Darpa Urban Challenge 2007. [BR12b,BR12,Ber10,BR09].

  • ProcEd a Web-based Editing Solution for Domain-Specific Process-Engineering [BGR09].

  • MontiWeb a modular development approach for Web Information Systems (which was later succeeded by MontiWIS) [DRRS09].

  • C++ and its sublanguages for expressions, statements and definitions (but no generic types, no defines).

  • MontiCore itself uses a family of DSLs for the definition of DSLs, i.e., their grammars. [HR17]

Further Information